Big News for our Effective Speaking Program
We held our Local Squadron Effective Speaking Competition along with 205 Collishaw Squadron on Monday night. It was a wonderful evening where our four participating cadets (Greyson Vink, Max Moore, Julius Mann, and Eric Kittmer) brought their A-game. They put together thoughtful speeches on various topics and put into action all the lessons learned during […]
No Training over Spring Break
We are on stand down over the spring break period (March 15 – March 26). Training will resume March 30, 2021.
Tuesday Night Training Zoom Link – Recurring
Below you will find the zoom login for Tuesday night training. It is the same each week. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 879 6654 7283 Passcode: 576917 If you have any questions or concerns, you can email Captain Rose at or Captain Aumonier at
Spring Break Camp Update – March 1, 2021
Good day, As we carefully follow the COVID cases in BC, and particularly in our local area, we need to consider that an in-person CAP option scheduled for the week of 22-26 March is becoming less likely to be able to occur. This has always been a consideration for all Squadrons and a reason we […]
Effective Speaking – Monday, Feb 22 1830
We will be focusing on impromptu speeches. There are lots of examples on Youtube. A search of “air cadet impromptu speeches” will generate some examples. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 813 8361 6182 Passcode: 889280
Parent Information Session – Tuesday, Feb 23 2000
PARENT INFORMATION SESSION – TUESDAY, FEB 23 After Tuesday’s training, we will be hosting a quick session for parents to hear from our officers about upcoming events, such as the effective speaking competition, spring break camp, and more! Cadets are welcome to join in, too. Topic: Parent Information Meeting Time: Feb 23, 2021 08:00 PM Vancouver
893 Beaufort Squadron is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: 893 Beaufort Level 1 & 2 Time: This is a recurring meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 893 8046 4888 Passcode: 067965
Effective Speaking Assignment for February 22, 2021
Our next meeting is next Monday the 22 of Feb. at 1830hrs. I will have a couple of impromptu speech subjects for the cadets going forward to the competition, those who are not will be coaches, advisers, supporters of those are. Both roles are important so please bring your “A” game. Mrs. Ladd will have […]
Effective Speaking Competition – March 8, 2021
Our Squadron Competition will be held via zoom on the evening of March 8, 2021. We have three cadets participating so far. The winning cadet(s) will go on to compete in the Vancouver Island Wing Competition on April 3, 2021, Saturday, 9AM – 12:30PM Important links for these cadets 2021 topics – click here Videos of […]
Level 1 & 2 Class – February 16, 2021
Level 1 & 2 Class As mentioned last week, our Level 5 cadets will be delivering some virtual training as well. This will begin with all level 1 & 2 cadets participating (but especially those eligible for advanced placement due to joining the cadet program when they were more than 12 years old). So, over […]