The Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) is the responsibility of the Society and is usually held at the end of May or beginning of June of each year. The Society organizes a reception and participates in the planning of the ACR. The ACR is mandatory for all cadets to attend. A Reviewing Officer is invited to attend and will inspect all cadets. Normally seen at the ACR is the presentation of both Junior and Senior Awards, Scholarships, the Band, presentation by all teams from the current year, and visual displays are available for viewing, which is then followed by a reception. Special guests and military dignitaries are invited to speak at the ACR.
As part of the ACR, a B.C. Provincial Committee (BCPC) “League Inspector” is appointed to attend the ACR. During the training year SSC 893 Squadron Sponsoring Committee (the Society) is awarded marks/points for submitting reports, meeting minutes and other paperwork on time and correctly. and other awards at the ACR and at the Provincial Annual General Meeting.
It is important that Cadets attend ACR due to the Squadron’s qualifications for staffing, summer camp spots, gliding times and other activities for the following year being awarded based on an average number of cadets in attendance at various times. ACR is one of the critical attendance counts. Cadets must be absent only for legitimate reasons, and must provide advance notice (preferably in writing with the reason) for their absence. Cadets without prior notice will be noted as AWOL (Absent Without Leave) in their permanent record.