Effective Speaking continues on November 15 from 1830-2000 hours at the hangar. Appropriate civilian attire is required – no uniforms! “Effective Communication Team, Please remember your speech for next Monday should be in the two minute range (new cadets shorter is okay). Your topic is “my perfect day”. Anything goes, there are no constraints. So if you want […]
November 16 – Regular Parade – All cadets will wear Field Training Uniform (and wedge). Refer to your Parent Handbook for uniform and dress standards.
November 10 – Candlelight ceremony 1530-1700 hrs at QB legion 6 Cadets are needed. Please contact to Capt. Aumonier if you are interested 893air@cadets.gc.ca
We need some help getting rid of our ever growing pile of bottles! We appreciate all the bottle donations but we do not have a BOTTLE DRIVE planned yet and it’s out of control and we need to take care of the problem! A bag wasn’t tied when I popped by the hangar today and […]
“Effective Communication Team, Please remember your speech for next Monday should be in the two minute range (new cadets shorter is okay). Your topic is “my perfect day”. Anything goes, there are no constraints. So if you want breakfast at Whistler with a couple of runs, followed by lunch at Disneyland with 3 rides on […]
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/fwVsuWC68tGQas9n9 We will be proceeding with the FTX tomorrow unless the forecast deteriorates from what is currently projected. Ensure you dress for the weather with rain protection, toque and gloves. A water bottle is mandatory and a spare pair of socks recommended. ***Parents need to remain until Covid screening is completed*** Senior cadets arrive 0845 hrs and ALL other […]
Becoming a screened member of the SSC does not mean you have to sit on the executive committee, but it does mean that you can if needed or voted in. It also means that you can vote at our larger meetings and have a say in how the SSC raises money, funds the squadron, and […]
Please see the note (below) and attachment from the Air Cadet League of Canada: Thanks to historian Mike Symons and his assistant, Gary Gratrix, we would like to introduce you to “In the News”, a glimpse into the history of the air cadet program! Have a great weekend!
Between the weather and some other unforeseen circumstances, we have made the decision to postpone Sunday’s FTX as well. We will see you all on Monday (if you are attending Effective Speaking) and Tuesday (for regular training).
The weather is looking terrible on Saturday with a rainfall warning with 35-45 mm of rain. As such, we have made the decision to postpone training on Saturday as it won’t be much fun in the rain! We plan to go ahead with training on Sunday from 0830 – 1730 hrs, however, please continue to […]